The residual current circuit breakers with overcurrent protection, in a single device, offer the performance of “pure” residual current circuit breakers and of the circuit breakers. Indeed they are able to protect both the implant, automatically interrupting the power supply in case of overload or short circuit, and the people, in case of ground fault.
Precisely because of the double type of protection, these switches normally have a minimum size of 2 DIN modules (36 mm wide). Italweber offers in the Italian market the first residual current circuit breakers with overcurrent protection 1P + N, with neutral protection, in 1 DIN module (18 mm wide), with initials KZS 1M. The main features of this product are listed below:
- Rated currents: from 6 A to 25 A;
- Breaking capacity: 6 kA;
- Tripping characteristics: B or C;
- RCCB class: A;
- Residual currents: 10 mA, 30 mA, 100 mA.
It has many other special features that make it the ideal product for use in all those areas where the available space is very limited. Among the various features we include that the terminals may accept not only the normal cables (up to max 10 mm2), but also the bars to comb isolated (busbars), so as to minimize the time for wiring, and that, in case of over-current or differential current, the release button is brought into an intermediate position, said “trip” (center), while, in case of manual operation, the button moves in the classic position “OFF”.
As this product is functionally dependent on the mains voltage (minimum voltage supply 90 V), its use is provided downstream of a differential switch to function not dependent on the mains voltage, which must be of the selective type. Basically, this product is recommended for all those installations where you need a high level of protection, both for electrical system, and for users, for example in hospitals, nurseries, etc.